Actually, Conchitta Wurst should land in Düsseldorf on Monday with the plane from Vienna at 5 p.m. But she landed with an hour delay at 6.10 p.m. But that shouldn’t be the biggest annoyance for the singer that day. Shortly afterwards, she was stopped by federal police officers in the transit area of the airport, and a companion of the artist also had to go to the guard.
Due to the Corona entry restrictions, the officials did not want to let Austrian Conchita Wurst and her coworker into the country. And that despite the fact that the singer submitted an employment contract with broadcaster ProSieben, which proves that she should perform live on Tuesday on the show “The Masked Singer”. The problem is allegedly that it is a one-time engagement, so she is not considered a commuter. At first, Wurst didn’t want to see that.
The consequence: The federal police arrested the Austrian, there was a risk of an overnight stay in police custody and the return trip to Vienna the next day to their Cologne hotel.